Wednesday, December 17, 2008

Fixed & Variable Rate Mortgages: Which way to go?

With news of Central Banks around the World drastically slashing overnight bank lending rates, many people are beginning to wonder if a variable rate mortgage --while slightly more expensive today than in years past, would minimize their home ownership costs. In the short term, the answer is a resounding YES. With a Prime Lending rate below 4%, and expected to continue dropping mortgage payments for Variable Rate Mortgages will remain significantly lower than those of identical size Fixed Rate Mortgages. Even as Five Year Fixed Rate Mortgages have dropped by nearly 1 full percentage point since October and remain significantly below historical averages, many home owners are taking a serious look at the immediate savings of having a Variable Rate Mortgage. However, while tempting, Variable Rate Mortgages can bear significant risk for mortgage holders.

As economies around the World recover and respond to the heavy influx of capital from Central Banks and the resulting inflationary pressure, mortgage interest rates will rise. Considering the fact that tens of trillions of dollars are expected to be pumped into World markets in 2009, this rise in Prime Lending interest rates around the World could very offset any savings made by Variable Rate Mortgage holders. In accordance with the Prime Lending Rate, fixed mortgage rates will most likely feel similar upward pressure, and can be expected to rise even faster.

When considering the alternatives (variable rate or fixed) before you, it is important to examine your own financial capacity, as well as the importance of certainty in your own life. If you can comfortably afford a mortgage payment with a fixed rate, and are happy paying what is now a small premium for the security of knowing what your payments will be for 3 - 5 years then maybe a Fixed Rate Mortgage is right for you. However, if you feel that the immediate savings of a Variable Rate Mortgage are worthwhile, and are confident in your own ability to accurately time the best opportunity for locking in your rate, a Variable Rate Mortgage may be the solution for you.

For more information about Fixed and Variable Rate Mortgages, or to apply for a mortgage loan contact one of the Qualified Alberta Mortgage Professionals @ 780-479-2222 or visit

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