Friday, September 18, 2009

Fixed Rates Continue Downward Trend

Five Year Fixed Rate mortgage interest rates continue to fall this week down to 3.89%,* further increasing affordability for existing and prospective Canadian home owners. Similarly, recent downward pressure on the Variable Rate side has led to the resurrection of the "Prime -" mortgage.

As the Canadian economy continues to recover from the economic downturn, look for even more competition in the Variable Rate market, further increasing affordability for Variable Rate Mortgage holders. However, many are forecasting that a recovered market will also mean significantly higher fixed mortgage interest rates. For more information about interest rates, and to get pre-qualified, contact one of the qualified mortgage professionals at Alberta Mortgage at 780-479-2222 or Apply Online @

* subject to qualification criteria.

Wednesday, September 2, 2009

On New News, Variable Rates Looking Attractive

Variable Rate Mortgages are looking more and more attractive. With a combination of the recent news that the prime rate will remain unchanged until at least the second quarter or 2010, and no reason to expect a dramatic rise through the year and the fact that Canadian mortgage lending institutions are once again competing for variable rate business, Variable Rate Mortgage holders are seeing significant savings. Considering that the same homeowner can see savings of over 1.5% on their mortgage interest rate between going with a variable rate over fixed rate mortgage today(a savings of $4,385.96 over a 12 month period!), the Variable Rate Mortgage is once again looking like a viable home financing alternative.

For more information about Variable Rate Mortgages, or to see what you could save, call one of the qualified mortgage professionals at Alberta Mortgage at 780-479-2222 or Apply Online at